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Does Acai Berry REALLY work?

Monday, November 29, 2010

This is question we get asked the most, so it's about high time we answer it! 

Sooooo, does Acai really work? Yes, and No.

Of course, like most things, the answer is complicated. Acai Berry is NOT, I repeat, Not the magic bullet - be all end all of weight loss. If it were then this question wouldn't even be asked. Unfortunately, there is NO PILL what so every that will take ALL of the weight off without you doing anything besides take a pill. It is, however, a tool in your 'weight loss tool belt' if you will. And a powerful tool at that!

Acai Berry works in the following way... It is filled with powerful Antioxidant. These antioxidants will make you feel more energized. When this happens you will crave less carbs and move more. When your body is tired and low on energy you crave carbs because your body equates carbs with energy. Your brain sends a signal to the rest of your body that says,  " Body is running low on energy. Body needs more energy. Body needs CARBS! Eat CARBS NOW!". However, when you start taking Acai berry this brain processes doesn't occur.

Here's the catch (There's always a catch isn't there? ) ... Because Acai Berry is such a powerful 'tool in your weight loss tool belt' is is popular. And because it is popular there is money behind it... And because there is money behind there claiming they are selling Acai Berry, when they aren't! This is why there is so much conflicting information online about Acai Berry. Be sure that when you start with Acai Berry, you are getting 100% pure Acai Berry. I recommend to everyone who it thinking about getting Acai Berry to try Acai Berry Select. The Acai Berry in Acai Berry Select comes directly from the fruit of the Acai Palm (Euterpe oleracea) indigenous to the Amazon River Basin. Furthermore, it is certified to be 100% Acai Berry. [Click Here] to try it today!