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Quick Weightloss Tip

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Here is a few Quick Weightloss Tip :

  • Quick Weightloss tip #1 - Drink water. Drink water. Drink More Water. When you are thirsty your bodies first response is to get hungry. Combate this by DRINKING WATER!
  • Tip #2 - Allow yourself to have a treat or two. EVERYTHINGS ok in moderation. If you make treats taboo, then at some point your going to give in and binge on them. Don't do this, and 'allow' yourself to have as many treats as you want! 
  • Tip #3 - Take a break in the middle of your cardio work out. This works because it takes more calories to start up your work, then to maintain your work out. Doing this will burn 20% more. 
  • Tip #4 - If you've heard it once , you've heard it twice. Eat more friuts and veggies. The best part of friuts and veggies is that they have a lot less coloires then most other foods and keep you fuller longer. 
  • Tip #5 - Add lemon juice to everything. Lemon jiuce is a natural dietric. So it'll keep things 'moving' if you know what I mean! It'll also help crub bloating. 
  • Tip #6 - Drink Green tea. Studies show you can burn  more fat during the day when you drink cups of green tea!
  • Tip #7 - Pay close attention to your beverage intake. A Big ol' souce of calories and extra sugar can be found in the daily habit of drinking soda. Learn to NEVER drink your calories. 
  • Tip #8 - Don't relay on any 'Quick Fixes'. A quick fix will get you loose weight fast, and then put in on just as fast. 
I have you have enjoyed our list of quick weightloss tip. If you have any of your own please feel free to add in our comment section.