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How to Burn Off Fat

Saturday, January 9, 2010

I know, I know, well all want to know how to burn off fat! We all want to burn fat and look better. We also want to burn fat to weight loss, make our bodies look better,  health and wellbeing. In this article I will show you exactly how fat burning works and what you need to accomplish it!

Lets look at some math :

Let's say you eat 1 portion of French Fries  (approx  450calories).
  • If you walk at good pace you can burn those fries off in about 2 Hours.
  • If you Jog at 5mph, you can burn off these calories in about an hour and a half minutes.
  • BUT IF YOU HAVE MUSCLE, then these figures are actually lower… So, how can we make our lives a little easier.

The fundamentals in burning fat is “Energy in, Energy out” . Naturally we burns a mix of carbohydrate, as glucose, and fat for energy to keep our bodies going all day. How much we burn all depends on much energy our bodies need. Some people natural need more to keep there bodies going, while others need less. I am sure you can see where this is going. If you increase how much your bodies need, then you will burn off more! When you use more energy than you take in from food and drink, the body burns stored fat and carbohydrates, and then even protein, to fuel your everyday activities even if you are not exercising
When people start to starve, that’s exactly what happens too – the body starts to east it’s self for energy. It sounds horrible, but it’s not so bad.  However, if we take this to an extreme then sometimes our metabolic rate drops making it even harder for is to burn fat. Thus, we must eat correctly to supply our bodies with just enough proteins, fats and carbs to have energy enough to exercise, but not to but our bodies in panic ‘conserve all the fats we can’ mode.
And, so we want to find ‘our fat burning zone.’ (and you thought this was going to be easy)!
The fat burning zone combines a combination of both weight training AND cardio. When you lift weights you build muscle, and muscle burns A LOT more fat then anything else. Thus, the more muscle you have the more fat you burn. Muscle burns fat even when you’re not doing anything physically active. Thus, when you build muscle  you will get more out of your cardio work outs.
You still need those cardio work outs to burn the fat. If you are looking to burn off fat quickly start with a larger portion of high intenstity cardio work outs, and less portion of  weight training. After a few week, decrease the cardio and little and concentrate more on weight training.
You need the cardio to burn fat in the moment, and you need the muscle mass to be ‘eating’ the fat when your sitting at your desk at work. Get it?

And this, my friends, is how you burn fat fast!